gci@uaslp.mxIn the last 10 years he has dedicated himself to develop two lines of research: a) the study of microbial adhesion to different surfaces and with different models and b) the diagnosis and study of the virulence and resistance of Candida isolates from different populations of risk as older adults, kidney patients, HIV, children and adults in intensive care, etc. Regarding the first line has experience and has standardized static important models in microplates, dynamic in bioreactors and in vivo in catheterized rats, which has allowed him to evaluate the biofilm formation capacity of various bacteria and yeasts to different biological and inhertes materials such as polymers of biomedical use, likewise these models have allowed him the evaluation of the expression of genes and the activity antibiofilm of drugs, plant extracts, various nanoparticles, among other interesting tests.
1. The consolidation of the CA that coordinates "Molecular Diagnosis, Pathology and Experimental Odontological Microbiology" based on collaborative work, the development of thematic networks and the associated production.
2. The publication of the book "The control of infections in dental practice" in the Medica Panamericana publishing editorial and more than 40 International and National publications with more than 200 citations.
3. Responsible for the Laboratory of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Pathology of the Faculty of Stomatology of the UASLP, visiting scholar/ investigator of various universities in Mexico, participant in various national and international research groups.