gci@uaslp.mxB.Sc. in Physics with M.Sc. in Optics and Ph.D. in Engineering and Materials Science. I am an academic and researcher with nine years of experience. I am a CONACyT fellow commissioned to the Institute of Geology of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi. In these nine years, I have done three research stays in national and foreign institutions; I have directed one undergraduate, two master's, and two doctoral theses (one in the process). I have taught about 30 courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I'm a member of S N I level 1. I have published 12 scientific articles in JCR journals with an impact factor as greater as 14.224, of which 50% belong to Q1 journals, 16.6% to Q2 journals, 25% to Q3 journals, and 8.4% to Q4 journals. I have extensive experience synthesizing and characterizing metallic and non-metallic nanomaterials, core-shell hybrid materials, and carbon materials decorated with metallic particles. I have experience using techniques such as IR, Raman, DRx, Electron Microscopy, Circular Dichroism, UV-vis, DLS, and Fluorescence to characterize materials. Since 2013 I have taught the Raman spectroscopy course annually at IPICYT. Additionally, I have programming skills in Matlab, Python, Scilab, and C . I have participated in developing four freely distributed software packages focused on solving problems in earth sciences.