Master's Degree in Pharmacology Sciences CINVESTAV-IPN
Bachelor's Degree in Pharmaceutical Engineering Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Biotecnología
Calcium-activated chloride channels are expressed in various tissues and regulate different physiological and pathological processes. Our project is focused on the modulation of TMEM16A (ANO1) by binding to proteins and lipids. We recently published that intracellular calcium increases promote the association of FKBP12 and Calcineurin with TMEM16A, modulating its activity. In this sense, our interest is to know the mechanism by which these interactions regulate the function of the channel.
Personal Researchs Interest
Calcium-activated chloride channels and their functional effects with emphasis on cell migration processes and angiogenesis.
Biofísica Estructural y Funcional de las Membranas Biológicas 01/09/2015 - 01/09/2025