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Researcher profile

Mildred Quintana Ruiz

Personal Data:
Academic Degree:  PhD Degree
SNI Level:  III
ORBIS ID: n70664
Institutional Data:
Affiliation: Faculty of Sciences
Research Unit: Biomedicine and Health Research Center

Office address: Av. Sierra Leona 550 Lomas 2a. Sección CP. 78210 San Luis Potosí
Phone number: (+52) 4448262362
  1. PhD Degree
    Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa
  2. Bachelor's Degree
    Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa

Mildred Quintana has a degree in Chemistry (2001) and a PhD in Sciences (2005) from UAM-I. Currently is a Professor at UASLP (since 2011), responsible for coordinating the High-Resolution Microscopy Section of the CICSaB-UASLP that provides services to academics, industrialists, and the health sector. She coordinates the Institutional Doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering. SNI 3 (2020-2025), her scientific research focuses on nanoscience and molecular interactions for the development of chemical sensors, renewable energy technologies, water purification, and degradation of pathogens and pollutants. Mildred has built a solid and highly productive network of collaborations with different institutions in Mexico, the Wuhan University of Technology (China), the University of Trieste (Italy), and the Hellenic National Research Foundation (Greece), the University of Mons (Belgium ). In 2018 she was awarded the Research Prize by the Mexican Academy of Sciences in the area of ​​Exact Sciences, the Marcos Moshinsky Chair, and the COMPETE-SLP recognition for demonstrating high competitiveness in scientific activity, technological development, and innovation.

Personal Researchs Interest
  1. Nanoscience and molecular interactions for the synthesis of materials with applications in chemical sensors, energy and degradation of pollutants
Research Interests of Research Group
  1. Analogías en la física de sistemas 2D rotados: de escala atómica a nanométrica, Ciencia de Frontera 2019-Sinergias UNAM-UASLP
    05/04/2021 - 01/02/2024
  2. Diseño Molecular de Materiales 2D para la construcción de membranas artificiales inteligentes.
    25/01/2021 - 30/10/2023