gci@uaslp.mxAgronomist, Master of Science in natural resources and Rural development, Doctor of science in ecology and sustainable development, specialist in agroecology and pest management with special interest in organic production systems. He was a candidate for National investigator (2000). Received recognition of State merit in research by the Government of the State of Chiapas (2005) and the University Award by the COPARMEX in San Luis Potosí for its activity in favor of the environment and rural communities (2017), likewise has promoted the Model of field schools and experimentation for farmers for several decades and developed the first system of participatory organic certification recognized in Mexico by SAGARPA-SENASICA in 2016. He was a consultant for Mexico to IICA for the development of the International MIB program-PROMECAFE-CABI (2000-2005). From 2016 to 2017 he served as president of the Mexican Society of Sustainable Agriculture (SOMAs A.C.) and is currently a member of the Standing Committee of Honor and since 2009 he serves as a full-time professor-researcher at the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary UASLP.
Its lines of research are associated with the
integrated management of pests, with emphasis on biological control by
conservation in crops such as coffee, nopal and vegetables.