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Researcher profile

César Arturo Ilizaliturri Hernández

Personal Data:
Academic Degree:  PhD Degree
SNI Level:  II
SCOPUS ID: 36124862700
ORBIS ID: n70385
Institutional Data:
Affiliation: Faculty of Medicine
Research Unit: Coordination for the Innovation and Application of Science and Technology

Office address: Av. Sierra Leona 550 Lomas 2a. Sección CP. 78210 San Luis Potosí
Phone number: (+52) 4448262300
Ext.: 8463
  1. PhD Degree in Environmental Sciences
    Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
  2. Master's Degree in Master in Environmental Sciences
    Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
  3. Bachelor's Degree in Doctorate in Environmental Sciences
    Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

The main line of research that is developing is environmental toxicology, specifically in the area of ​​ecotoxicology and ecological risk of wildlife, mainly in the evaluation of biological effects (application of biomarkers) in different scenarios of environmental pollution.

Co-author of 45 research articles and 23 book chapters. Technical manager of projects with public funds (CONACyT, SEP, SSA, SEDESOL and UASLP) and private in indigenous, mining, agricultural, industrial and environmental emergency sites. Member of national (AMEQA, SHM) and international (SETAC) societies on topics of ecotoxicology and risk assessment. Participation as a reviewer of international articles for 19 different journals indexed in the JCR and project evaluator CONACyT (Basic Science, National Problems and Health).

Participation as a teacher in 9 undergraduate and 4 postgraduate courses at the UASLP in topics of ecotoxicology, ecological risk, statistics, ecology, environmental and biological monitoring. Human resources training with the participation of 46 graduate and undergraduate thesis committees. Linkage with the governmental and private sector in the evaluation, remediation and rescue of protected and ecologically valuable spaces in scenarios of national and state concern. Member of the Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization (WHO) in risk assessment of children's health and environmental health. Member of the thematic network of CONACyT on Children's Environmental Health.

Personal Researchs Interest
  1. Human and Ecological (integranted) Risk Assessment
  2. Ecotoxicology
  3. Multivariate Analysis
Research Interests of Research Group
  1. Programa de salud ambiental para la disminución de las desigualdades sociambientales derivadas de la exposición a contaminantes en la region de Coatzacoalcos-Minantitlán-Jaltipan de Morelos, Veracruz.
    01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024
    PRONACE-CONACYT. Participación como Responsable técnico.
  2. Evaluación del proceso de remediación del terreno Patio Victoria. Financiado por New Gold Inc. Participación como Co-Responsable técnico.
    03/09/2019 - 01/09/2023
    Financiado por New Gold Inc. Participación como Co-Responsable técnico.
  3. Evaluación de alteraciones bioquímicas, conductuales y en la microbiota (intestinal y dérmica) por exposición a microplásticos y plaguicidas en larvas de anfibios anuros.
    01/01/2021 - 31/12/2022
    CONACyT-Ciencia de Frontera. Participación como Responsable técnico.
  4. Evaluación del proceso de eutrofización y alteración ambiental que afecta al sitio RAMSAR Cienega de Tamasopo (SLP) como base para proponer su manejo integral.
    01/01/2021 - 31/12/2022
    SEP-CONACyT. Participación como Investigador colaborador.