gci@uaslp.mxDuring my academic training, I carried out research about the superplastic behavior of metal alloys and the analysis of their superplastic deformation mechanisms. From the results, a new superplastic deformation mechanism was proposed for a Zn-22Al alloy modified with Cu.
As industry researcher, I worked in an
automotive parts manufacturing company to carry out research to solve electrical
resistance welding problems in these components and I established methodologies
and criteria for the welding quality evaluation of these components.
Later I worked in a specialty steel foundry,
where I worked as a technology researcher, with the main objective of
establishing the research and development department. In this stage, three
technological innovation projects supported by CONACYT were carried out, which
resulted in the development of a new alloy with greater resistance to thermal
fatigue and a pilot machine for the manufacture of centrifuge pipe prototypes.
A new investment-casting department and a metallography laboratory were also
set up. In addition, I performed research aimed at optimizing heat treatments
of alloys, chemical composition of stainless steels, as well as to control and
optimize the processes of molding with inorganic resins, manufacture of blown
sand hearts and sand molds painting.