gci@uaslp.mxMy research lines are based on the stability of different dynamical systems by studying and altering their equilibrium points. Generating interesting and common behaviors in nature, such as synchronization, Multistability, chaos and multiscrolls. These phenomena can be applied to the study of biological systems such as cells, neurons and heart beats. In the communications area, synchronization and chaos are key factors in the encryption of information in the transmission of data in a secure way. And in electronics, for example, dynamical systems based on mathematical biological models, are physically implemented to study properties that may become difficult to replicate in laboratories.
Since 2014 I work as a coordinator of the Computer Systems career in the FACE. Leader of the Academic body "Dynamic Systems and Cryptography" with register SEP-PRODEP UASLP-CA-268. I hold around 40 research publications with more than 100 citations and an index H of 6, I am level I of the Researcher National System (SNI). And I have the desirable profile of PRODEP.