gci@uaslp.mxI have three lines of research focused on Plant Biotechnology. The first line is directed to the in vitro propagation of threatened cacti, and herbaceous plants for preservation purposes. The second is related to the obtainment of secondary metabolites, with antioxidant properties, from the in vitro cultures, to take advantage of the phytochemical potential of the species under study, but without affecting the natural populations. We observed that the extracts from in vitro cultures of cacti and herbaceous species exhibited anti-inflamatory, antioxidant and vasorelaxant activities The last line of research is focused on lead removal by in vitro root cultures and plants of Scirpus americanus. This species is able to grow at 250 ppm Pb, and could be an option to be used in phytoremediation processes. Actually, we are studying the potential of S. americanus on salt removal form stabilization gaps.
At the teaching level, I teach the courses of Metabolic Biochemistry I and II at the bachelor´s degree in Chemical Pharmaco- Biology career, and Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Topics of Chemistry, Selected Topics of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry under the Posgrade in Chemical Sciences.