gci@uaslp.mxCurrently, the principal line of research focusses on the modeling and simulation of thermo-mechanical processes, which requires a coupled analysis of heat transport, fluid and solid mechanics, (thermo)-elastoplastic material behavior (especially of metals), phase transformation and microstructural changes, effective properties of non-homogenous materials, and other specific effects of relevance for a particular process. Among the processes of interest, are welding, cladding, thermal surface treatment, additive manufacturing (3-D printing), micro and macro laser processing, forming and deep drawing processes, EDM (electro discharge machining), for example.
Another research area is the use and design of porous structures and composite materials, and its anisotropic and non-linear behavior. A specific focus in this work is on the development of optimization techniques for the design of components that incorporate porous structures, and the optimization of the porous structure al structures according to the local principal loads, including novel topology optimization methods. Similarly, the application of optimization methods to optimize manufacturing processes and Design for Manufacturing are topics of interest.
Furhtermore, a project of special interest is focussed on the analysis and design optimization of a thermal solar energy system to store and generate electric energy.