Engineer Geologist by the Faculty of Engineering of the UASLP with distinction as one of the best students in Mexico generation 88-93. Master in Earth Sciences in the CICESE, where I participated in the scientific expedition of ALARCON in SCRIPS Institution. Ph.D. in geomorphology and coastal management in the University Paris DIDEROT-Paris 7 in France. Postdoctoral stay in IPICyT developing the project "Evaluation of the water resource of the aquifer of the valley of San Luis Potosí from the analysis of satellite images." Work experience as a geologist of exploration in Minera Santa Fe of Mexico, and carrying out the project "Analysis of satellite images for evaluation of potential areas for iron exploration" developed for ArcelorMittal, S. A de C.V. In the government sector, I worked in INEGI in the process of upgrading geological mapping. From 2007 I joined the IPICYT as a Research Associate C, and in 2009 I integrate to the University of Guanajuato as Professor of Full Time. I am finally joining the UASLP as a Research Professor of Full Time since 2012. My research interests are the digital processing of satellite images for the evaluation of natural resources and geomorphology and implementations GIS for geospatial and geostatistical analysis. I have done 18 articles in indexed journals, 5 in refereed journals, 36 summaries, and one book. I have advised four master's thesis and 11 undergraduate's thesis. I participated in 12 research projects. In Colombia, Peru, and France I have taught courses.