We focus our efforts in the detection of early protein changes associated with neurodegeneration, specially by Alzheimer (AD) and Parkinson (PD) diseases. For this purpose we work in several models, sections of human brain obtained through autopsies, human skin biopsies, human oral mucosa cells, and animal models like Wistar rats and AD triple transgenic mice. We study proteins directly related to AD and PD such as Tau, beta amyloid and alpha synuclein as well as other proteins that could contribute to neurodegeneration. Together with other UASLP research laboratories we analyzed Tau protein expression in human fibroblasts cultures, we explored the participation of alpha synuclein in a disease that shares autoinmune and neurodegeneration pathways, multiple sclerosis. Also, we are studying beta amyloid presence in oral mucosa from periodontal disease patients as well as Down syndrome subjects, These projects are ongoing.