Miguel Ángel Vega Campos, is a master and doctor in administration from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (UASLP). He has a postdoctoral degree in diagnosis, evaluation and educational planning from the Center for Studies and Research for Teacher Development, A. C. (CENID). At the undergraduate level, he has training in the areas of industrial relations, public administration, international marketing, and management and administration of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). He is Professor of the subjects of Ethical Instruments for the Operation of the Government, Research Methodology applied to Public Administration, Organizational Collaboration Seminar of the Bachelor of Public Administration of the UASLP. He also teaches the subject of Public Policy Analysis in the Bachelor of Administration and Public Policy at UASLP. At the graduate level, he teaches the Thesis Advancement and Evaluation Seminars, Administrative Research and Public Policy Analysis. He was a professor at the University of Colima. He was Academic Coordinator of the Bachelor of Public Administration and the Masters in Administration with Emphasis in Public Management and Business Management, attached to the National Postgraduate Quality Program (PNPC) of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). As of September 2020, he is Head of the Center for Research and Postgraduate Studies (CIEP) of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of the UASLP, where he also coordinates the Doctorate in Administration Sciences.