Mariana Kirchbach, German/Bulgarian physicist. Achievements include research in consistent description of high spins interacting with an electromagnetic field; research in conformal symmetry in the infrared, color confinement as consequence the compactified Minkowski space time as internal space of the hadron degrees of freedom, the quarks and gluons; degeneracies in hadron spectra, nucleon and pion electromagnetic form factors
Member of American Physical Society and Mexican Physical Society..
Master of Science in physics, University Sofia, 1971; Dr. rer.nat., same as Doctor of Philosophy, Central Institute Nuclear Research Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany, 1978; Dr. rer. nat. habil, Technical University Dresden, 1992.
Researcher Privatdozent Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany, 1990—1995.
Research in causal propagation of high spins within an electromagnetic field; research in hydrogenlike degeneracy of excited nucleon states . Achievements include causal propagation of high spins within an electromagnetic field ; construction of the quantum mechanical limit of QCD via the conformal wave equation on the compactified Minkowski spacetime, whose topolgy is S1×S3, and on which only charge neutral systems such as dipoles can exist; confinement description from first principles by means of a conformally symmetric color elecric charge dipole potential, the fundamental.solution to the S3 Laplacian.