As a researcher I have been developing an interpretation of the technique of the Hybrid Conceptual Map, HCM, from a theory of Mathematics Education, the Ontosemiotic Approach, OSA. I have named that interpretation MCH-EOS. In this direction I am also researching the applications that the HCM-OSA may have in the field of Mathematics Education and in the didactics of Physics and Chemistry, for example, I am investigating the use of HCM-EOS as a didactic tool, as an object of reflection of the teaching practice, as a help to reconstruct the system of practices that allows solving problems of physics, chemistry or mathematics, to name a few. On the other hand, I am also doing research about the teaching and learning of mathematics, physics and chemistry by solving problems, or by using information and communication technologies, taking into account other theories of educational mathematics such as Socioepistemology or the Theory of Didactic Situations.